Matthew 28:1

“Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to draw, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.”
Matthew 28:1 NKJV

Out of all the people who had been following Jesus throughout His sufferings in His death and afterwards, the two Mary’s might’ve been the two that were the most loyal to Christ and the strongest believers of His promise. That He would rise again. Just before this section of scripture we see these two women having been witnesses of Jesus’s death and having been at the tomb when Jesus was buried. They wanted to be with their Lord. They didn’t understand why everything had happened, but they knew that Jesus’s death was all according to the plan, and they remained persistent in following Him, even when it seemed like all hope had died with their savior. However, because of their loyalty to Him they were the first to see His power displayed, and were the first two that Jesus revealed Himself to. There will be times in life when things just don’t make sense. It may appear like Jesus is leaving us behind or that He has altogether just left us alone. Or maybe we know He wants us to do something, but we just don’t know why He wants us to do it. When it came to Thalia and I coming to Ignite I didn’t have a clue why I was supposed to be coming here. I knew that God was calling me here, but I had no idea what plan He had for my life, and honestly I still don’t. I don’t know where He wants me to be after Ignite, what He would call me to be, or how He would call me to serve. But through my time being here He has shown me that, just like the two Mary’s, even though I don’t understand what He is trying to accomplish, I know that by remaining loyal to Him He will show me His plans and that I will see His glory displayed in my life. I am going to write “loyal” on my hand, to remind myself that those who remain loyal to the Lord will know of His plans, and see His glory manifested on this Earth.


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