Philippians 3:11

“that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

There is nothing that we can do that can earn us our salvation. We see in Ephesians that it is only through the grace of God that we are saved, and for no other reason. But that isn't what Paul is intending when he wrote this verse. Christ’s death was the perfect example of God's grace and love. And there is nothing that we will ever be able to do that could ever get us anywhere near the love that Jesus displayed when he died on the cross for our sins. The only way we can ever repay Christ for what he did for us is by devoting our lives to him, and attempt to live the way the he lived, in perfect love and complete selflessness. Now we will never be able to live exactly as he lived, but that sure as heck doesn't mean we can't try. We can act in as much love and as selflessly as possible, and in doing so we may begin to understand how Christ lived for us. We may begin to understand how much he loved others and we may learn how much he was able to sacrifice for the sake of others. He wanted to save every soul on that has ever existed, and by living like him, we may begin to understand what that drive for saving the lost truly looks like. And like Christ, we don't have much time on this Earth. We only have so much time to live for and serve others and if we truly appreciate what Christ did for us then we would spend every minute of this life trying to better understand Christ and how we can live life the same way he did. Yesterday was probably the greatest if not one of the greatest spiritual days of my saved life. God showed me so much in what in means to live life as a Christian and how fulfilling love can be when we truly like for Christ, along with the fact that he was constantly encouraging me and reminding me of past experiences throughout my day. It was just a day filled with God moments, and I hardly got to read the word at all because of how busy of a day it was. For my application I am going to write faith on my finger, because I have complete faith and trust in where God is taking me in life, even if I have no idea where he's taking me, who else would be able to lead my life better than my Almighty and Majestic God?


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