Ephesians 6:1 & Colossians 3:20
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
Ephesians 6:1 ESV
“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”
Colossians 3:20 ESV
Ephesians 6:1 ESV
“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”
Colossians 3:20 ESV
I could never even begin to tell you how many times I didn't listen to my parents and didn't do what they asked of me. So many times I've snuck around the will of my parents, reasoned why it would be ok to go against what they asked of me, and even just directly disobeyed them, regardless of what the consequences would be. And I can tell you that practically every time I disobeyed them they were hurt by my disobedience. So why would I disobey them if I knew that it would only come to hurt them? Honestly the majority of the time was just me being selfish. I didn't feel like listening to them, I wanted to do what I wanted to do, I thought that I knew better than my parents, the list goes on. I always put myself over them and never cared enough about what they were thinking and instead just chose to act in the way that I wanted to. That parent-child relationship is a very special relation given to us by God. Just as a child is the son or daughter of their parents, we are the sons and daughters of God. So just as we are supposed to be obedient to God to build up our maturity, we are meant to be obedient to our parents to build up our maturity. And just as I disobeyed my parents an uncountable amount of times, I have disobeyed God in the same way. I have ignored his calls, I have told thought that he was wrong, and I have tried to sneak my way around situations thinking that he wouldn't notice me doing so. But again, why do I disobey God? Because I'm a son of Adam, and in my sinfulness I will continue to disobey him for the rest of my life, something that I can at least say now that I horribly hate myself for. I wish I could be better for him. I wish I wasn't always disobeying him. He's shown me nothing but love and grace and faithfulness, but luckily he won't stop showing me those things. And because of his infinite love and grace and faithfulness I will continue to try harder in being obedient to him for the rest of my life, knowing that in the end he has forgiven me of all my wrongdoings, even the ones I am committing today. Tomorrow I'm going to fast and pray, a way in which I can seek obedience for God and show my thankfulness for him being faithful to me, for loving me, and for showing me his grace, even though I will never deserve it.
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